Friday, October 14, 2011

Download Grand Theft Auto IV for pc free!

Dose any one want GTA 4? If you do read this post! It takes a long time. First you need utorrent. Click here to download utorrent. Once you do that install it! Then click here to download GTA IV! click the download this torrent. Now it will go to the utorent and it will download. It takes colse to a week to finsh.  Then click on the GTA IV download folder. One finsh you need to download Demon tools lit. Then install it and open it. Now press the add boten go to your GTA IV download folder. Click disk 1. Then press open. Next click the add buten agin and click the disk 2. Open disk 1 and 2. Click in disk 1 the autorun. Install it. In the middle of the installing it will ask for the disk 2. Go to your computer and click on the disk 2. Then it will finsh. Next Click here to download the crack. Copy the stuff in it and go to your GTA IV folder. This is how to do it. Go to my computer, the memery folder(it is the first folder in my computer),go to program files 64 or 32 and click on rocksrar games, go to GTA IV and past the files in there. Now colse out of the window and click the rockstar Icon. Sing up for and account and sign in. Them press play. It will load. If it haves any erros you hive to download this. Open it and slect your bit copy that file and past it is your GTA IV folder. Now go to your rockstar game icon and play it! Have fun!

1 comment:

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