Thursday, September 29, 2011

Download Mac's cursor for xp/windows7/vista

You can download mac's cursor free! And It is cool. Frist click here to download it! Then scrool down and click on the link that says download mac os x cursor easy installing. Then your download will start. Next install it. At the end of the installing a window will come up about all the cursors you have on the computer. The mac one is slectec so just press ok. Now you have mac's cursor!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to put a hotmail account on Microsoft Outlook 2007

Have you been trying to get your hotmail account on Microsoft Outlook 2007? Well if you are then centenua reading this post! Frist Click here to download Microsoft Outlook 2007 hotmail connter. Click on download. Then poen it and copy the code and past were it says Valuate. Then click the butten at the bottem that says Valuate or something like that. Then Click the download butten. Downloaded it and install it. Once installed open Microsoft Outlook 2007 and go Outlook connerter at the top and go to create an new account. Put in your user name and password the is for you hotmail account. Once you set it up coles Microsoft outlook 2007 out and the wait 1 minent and open it. Then click the send/resve botten at the top. Then all your hotmail email will come up! Now you have hot mail on Microsoft Outlook 2007! Here is some pictures and have fun With your new email system!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Download Ubuntu For Windows Free!!

You can run Ubuntu with Windows! It is really cool! Click here to download Ubuntu. Once you click on it press the start download. It will download. Then click on it and install it. Put in a User name and a password. You must enter a password! Then press the install butten. Then It will install and reboot. Then a operating system sgin will come up. go to Ubuntu and press enter. Then it will go to ubunt. It will install it. Then It will restart the computer. Then you click on Ubuntu and have fun with it! If you want to go back to Your Windows Shut it down and Turn it back on and click on Your Windows. (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7) Then it will go tour Windows and you still have your stuff. If You want to go to Ubuntu Shut the computer off/ Restart. Then click on the Ubuntu chose. Now You can Run Ubuntu With Windows! Here is a video to help you!